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Company Headquarters
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For a description of how the headquarters data was collected, see:

Jennings, J., J. Lee, and D. Matsumoto. 2017. “The Effect of Industry Co-location on Analysts’ Information Acquisition Costs,” The Accounting Review, 92 (6), 103-127.

For a comparison of this headquarters data to other headquarters data sources (e.g., Compustat, SEC EDGAR Filing Headers, etc.), see:

Jennings, J., J. Kim, J. Lee, and D. Taylor. 2020. “Measurement error, fixed efects, and false positives in accounting research,” Reveiw of Accounting Studies, 29, 959-995.

MD&A and Conference Call Text-based Accruals
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SAS file includes gvkey, datadate, mda_accruals, and cc_accruals.

For a description of how the variables were calculated, see:

Frankel, R., J. Jennings, and J. Lee. 2016. “Using Unstructured and Qualitative Disclosures to Explain Accruals,” Journal of Accounting and Economics 62 (2 – 3), 209-227.

Conference Call Scripting
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SAS file includes gvkey, datadate, confcalldate, rscript, abn_rscript, and mgrno.

For a description of how the variables were calculated, see:

Lee, J. 2016. “Can Investors Detect Managers’ Lack of Spontaneity? Adherence to Pre-determined Scripts during Earnings Conference Calls.” The Accounting Review 91 (1), 229-250.
Text-Based Credit Risk Score

Download Conference Call Data

SAS file includes gvkey, datadate, confcalldate, tcr_score_split, tcr_score_rolling

Download MD&A Data

SAS file includes gvkey, datadate, mda_date, tcr_score_mda_split, tcr_score_mda_rolling

For a description of how the variables were calculated, see:

Donovan, J., K. Koharki, J. Jennings, and J. Lee. 2020. “Measuring Credit Risk Using Qualitative Disclosure.” Review of Accounting Studies, forthcoming.

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